Gives us great pleasure to announce that one of our biggest supporters will be playing a role in Series 2, Carwyn is one of the organisers behind Heroes & Legends.

A convention held at Margam Castle. We were lucky enough to be invited to be guests last year and Carwyn has been a formidable supporter of Whovians ever since.
In Series 2 Carwyn will be playing the role of... the Cardiff Comic Expo Organiser! A role we feel he will rock! Welcome Carwyn.
Carwyn has appeared as a supporting artist in just a few productions to date. He aims to do more acting in his spare time, particularly in projects such as Whovians. Carwyn is a Welsh speaker who likes to support Welsh and Welsh language media projects in front of the camera as well as promoting.
A long time Doctor Who fan (amongst other things) he gave a short interview with Radio Cymru for Doctor Who’s 50th anniversary which he likes to tell people about. He has met many a celebrity over the years from red carpet events & the like. One day he plans to write a book about his adventures, one day... Carwyn is very pleased to be back working on Whovians this year. Ymlaen a ni!