We are very happy to start announcing our new cast members, who will be joining us in Series 2 - so with no further a do, we announce Stephen Lurvey as Ian Charles Stuart. A character who Bradley will meet at a Comic Con.
Stephen's Bio:
It's been a whirlwind 3 years for Steve, since getting the acting bug. After a year of AmDram he decide to try TV and film, working with many established figures in the Creative Industries, such as Guy Ritchie and Ruth Jones, as well as some amazingly talented new-comers such as Ashleigh Harley and Jamie Panton. He also performed at workshops for Paul Murphy (Director for the 'Robot of Sherwood' and 'The Caretaker' Dr Who episodes), Mark McGann, Guy Masterson, Dee Anderson, Daniel O'Gorman . Theatre is still a huge thrill, especially playing Lurch in The Hilltop Theatre Company's 2015 NODA multi award winning production of The Addams Family