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Matthew Ford

Sunday 23rd August: Shoot Day 20

Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Block 2, Episodes 2 & 4, Various Interiors Cardiff.

Weather forecasters are dirty, filthy liars, and should be put in the same category as politicians, bankers, and One Direction!!

We were all set to do a major external shoot on Saturday featuring Ben Wilson for episode three, Andrew’s episode. The whole week, forecasts had the day down as a biblical washout. On the Friday night, that changed to intermittent showers with sunny spells, which didn’t help us as we needed the shots to match up with earlier externals from back in July. Remember July? Heat, sunshine, the odd clear blue sky? It’s a hazy memory. You can’t have Ben cycling through one shot where there’s puddles around, then in the next shot the ground is bone dry (although Cardiff’s weather can be like that sometimes), so the shoot was cancelled.

On the day, there were no intermittent showers, no dark clouds. It was lovely and warm, with the rain not setting in until the early evening; plenty of time for us to film what we needed. Tragically, it was too short notice to get all the equipment together to really show off this scene, so a day’s filming was abandoned.

Mercifully, we pulled it back on Sunday. We filmed the last few interior shots for Andrew’s episode with Ben, including the other side of the phone conversation with Rachel Dunston’s sister-in-law, which was filmed WAY BACK (it certainly feels that way for us!) on July 1st.

Later that evening, poor Joe Rivett was the latest person to have his home invaded by the Whovians cast and crew, so we could film the opening of episode four, Liam’s episode, plus Liam’s guest appearance in episode three. Joe’s flat is very tidy; there’s no clutter, everything has its place, and there’s nothing remotely geeky to be found anywhere. So to have several people come in and take over, turning the bedroom into a Doctor Who shrine with posters and memorabilia everywhere you look, must have stung a tiny bit.

Joe however was the perfect host, letting us crack on with filming, and having free reign of his home. A massive, ginormous thank you to Joe, who really saved our bacon, as we were struggling to find a location for Liam’s dwelling.

So this weekend wasn’t a complete waste, we managed to get a decent chunk of filming out of the way. Next weekend is (if everything goes to plan) the last weekend’s filming on Whovians. We’re having another stab at the bike scenes, as well as running through everything else left to shoot for episode three. After that, we have the remainder of the pub scenes from Liam’s episode on Wednesday 2nd September and we’re wrapped. One last push and we’re done!

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